PONTIANAK - The Governor of West Kalimantan H. Sutarmidji, chaired the Forum Meeting of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) throughout West Kalimantan, in the Praja I meeting room, West Kalimantan Governor’s Office, Jalan Ahmad Yani Pontianak, Monday (7/2/2022).
The head of Bappeda of West Kalimantan Province, Sukaliman revealed, the forum was for the preparation of the West Kalimantan Provincial Government Work Plan for the upcoming 2023.
He said, “the implementation of the Bappeda Forum throughout West Kalimantan is in the context of preparing a work plan of the government for 2023. The provincial, regencies/cities (government), and centra government should work together. In this meeting, the Governor in his duties and responsible for directing the regencies/cities, convey that the fifth year, that is the year 2023 then our RPJMD (Regional Medium-Term Development Plan) period.”
The Governor focused on the Human Development Index (HDI) to improve the welfare of the people of West Kalimantan.
He continued, “there are many targets that we must achieve, especially the HDI in West Kalimantan. Because the HDI is calculated or its components come from all regencies and cities, the government (of regencies/cities) must contirbute to how the HDI target can be achieved.”
Governor conveyed to regencies/cities government must focus the Work Plan of the Year 2023 in the fields of health, education, economy, including infrastructur, all of which strategically to achieve the HDI.
Besides, he insctructed to regencies/cities to update the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) as a database for Social Assistance. Governor also instructed for increasing Transfer Allocation, mostly Special Allocation Fund (DAK) can be sought to finance development in West Kalimantan.
“Optimizing Local Own-Source Revenue and directing the CSR funds as a source of development financing,” he said.