PONTIANAK – West Kalimantan Province is the fastest province, nationally submitting the report of Developing Villages Index Data of 2021. This is an achievement reached by West Kalimantan in increasing the independent villages.
West Kalimantan Governor, H. Sutarmidji, S.H., M.Hum expressed the submission on the Signing of Developing Villages Index (IDM) Minutes of 2021 and the Directives of Governor on IDM Status Acceleration through the Privates Roles in West Kalimantan. The agenda was hold at Petitih Hall of West Kalimantan Governor Office, Tuesday (6/8/2021).
“According to the report I received, West Kalimantan is the fastest province nationally in updating the IDM data report of 2021. In details, there are 385 Independent Villages, 456 Developed Villages, 910 Developing Villages and there are only 280 Underdeveloped Villages. There is no more Least Developed village in West Kalimantan,” Governor stated.
Governor expected the cooperation among Provincial Prosecution, High Court and TNI-Polri in the supervising and developing the IDM of West Kalimantan.
“IDM indicators are existed, we have to fulfill those indicators and therefore the status of villages can be Independent Villages. When the status of villages increased, the villages can be managed well and create the prosperous community. Synergy among High Court, Prosecution Office in assisting the villages for managing village fund well. Besides, the Police can help people on the road and fresh water pipe construction,“ he said.
Considering the status of village development, while his tenure as Governor with Vice Governor of West Kalimantan, hundreds of Independent Villages can be targeted.
“Vice Governor and I will be able to target 425 to 450 Independent Villages at the end of our term, next year,” he expected.
In addition, he will ask the Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia to pay attention in village that the status is developed to become Independent Village and the fund should be increased not reduced.
“I will convey to Minister of Villages, Disadvantages Regions and Transmigration that becoming the Independent Villages should be appreciated and increased the Village Fund, and not be reduced,” he said.
Meanwhile, at the same place The Chairman of Community and Villages Empowerment Office of West Kalimantan, Ir. Yuslinda, M.M. uttered that in the agenda of the Signing on Developing Villages Index (IDM) Minutes of 2021 and the Directives of Governor on IDM Status Acceleration through the Privates Roles in West Kalimantan, the roles of private sectors such as Plantation Companies in West Kalimantan can cooperate with government in developing the IDM.
“In this agenda, we invite the Director of Palm Oil Plantation Companies Group of West Kalimantan to get the directives from Governor of West Kalimantan related to the role of palm oil plantation company roles in the development of Developing Villages Index in the surrounding of companies,” She said.
In addition, the agenda was held as the following of Letter from Directorate General of Villages and Rural Development, Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5/PR/.03.01/III/2021 of March 1, 2021 on delivering the information related the process of IDM Data Update Based on Villages SDGs.